Full urban renewal (shanty area redevelopment) service

Release Time:2020-10-21Views:

Full urban renewal (shanty area redevelopment) service

Initial consulting: Land development model research, project positioning and planning proposals, project feasibility study, industry research, interest distribution scheme research, social stability risk appraisal, and cooperation scheme research.

Value appraisal: Compensation value appraisal and check, collectively-owned assets value appraisal and check, affordable housing and return fund appraisal, reserved land value appraisal, land preparation fund calculation.

Project management: preparation of overall project execution scheme and relocation compensation scheme, preparation and implementation of settlement house distribution scheme, collection of intents, requisition and relocation compensation negotiation, assistance with plan preparation, and ownership information check.

Investment agent: Industrial upgrade and connection, financing service, project matchmaking deal, project approval agent, and project investment.


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