• Pingshan old industrial area upgrade strategy

    Through detailed investigation & research of the industries and land in the old industrial areas in Pingshan,

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  • Normality of cost prices of enterprise affordable housing in Shenzhen

    Through analysis of aspects of affordable housing, such as cost price structure and the scale of residential properties,

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  • Inspection and regulatory mechanism for incomplete affordable house ownership violation in urban renewal and shanty area redevelopment projects

    The research of the operating path for payment of relocation compensation or swap for commercial properties

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  • Guangdong livable community appraisal standard

    To realize standardization and normalization of livable community construction and appraisal in Guangdong,

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  • Hongling urban renewal project compensation & resettlement scheme

    The existing condition is complex. The types of properties involved include residential properties, commercial properties,

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  • Shenzhen Water Group Qiaoxiang Road land redevelopment scheme

    The project is about urban renewal. According to the need of decision-making of the customer,

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