• Commercial rent appraisal for Nanshan Software Industrial Base and Shenzhen Bay Tech & Eco Campus

    Nanshan Software Industrial Base and Shenzhen Bay Tech & Eco Campus are large industrial complexes in the area.

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  • Presale price appraisal for Manjinghua Yunlang residential properties in Bao'an

    The project is located at Sanwei Section, Huangtian, National Route 107, Hangcheng Neighborhood.

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  • Price appraisal for BYD capped-price commodity residential houses in Pingshan

    The capped-price commodity residential houses were developed by the client.

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  • Overall investigation & research and land price appraisal for golf driving ranges in Shenzhen

    Investigation & research and land price appraisal was performed for totally 17 golf driving ranges across Futian, Luohu, Nanshan, Bao'an, Longhua and Longgang.

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  • Monitoring and appraisal of land price movement in Shenzhen, and updating and appraisal of marked land price samples

    Totally 150 monitoring points. Each monitoring sampling point is subject to appraisal by two valuers.

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